Head of Programmes,
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

Using research in classrooms: what we've learnt in 10+ years at the EEF

This session will explore lessons the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has learnt in supporting schools to use evidence in England. The session will have a particular focus on building local school networks and what teachers, school leaders and other educationalists in Rotterdam might want to consider when setting up a local partnership focused on research.

In the first decade at the EEF, we have:
– developed a Teaching and Learning Toolkit to make research evidence more accessible to teachers and school leaders;
– run over 300 research studies in schools in England to improve the evidence base;
– supported schools to engage with the research, particularly through developing a Research School Network.

Awareness and use of research in schools in England have both come a long way in our first decade, but we have learnt lessons about what has not worked too. This session will be an honest reflection of what is working, what needs work, and what I think might work in Rotterdam


14 nov | Ronde 5

Using research in classrooms: what we've learnt in 10+ years at the EEF

Head of Programmes,
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

This session will explore lessons the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has learnt in supporting schools to use evidence in England. The session will have a particular focus on building local school networks and what teachers, school leaders and other educationalists in Rotterdam might want to consider when setting up a local partnership focused on research.

In the first decade at the EEF, we have:
– developed a Teaching and Learning Toolkit to make research evidence more accessible to teachers and school leaders;
– run over 300 research studies in schools in England to improve the evidence base;
– supported schools to engage with the research, particularly through developing a Research School Network.

Awareness and use of research in schools in England have both come a long way in our first decade, but we have learnt lessons about what has not worked too. This session will be an honest reflection of what is working, what needs work, and what I think might work in Rotterdam


14 nov | Ronde 5

Over de spreker

Head of Programmes
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

Igraine (usually ‘Iggy’) joined the EEF in 2017 and now leads the EEF’s programmes team, which funds and supports the delivery of education programmes and approaches in England. Iggy was seconded from the programmes team to help establish the regional team from 2019-2021, acting as the Regional Delivery Lead for London and the South East. In rejoining the programmes team, Iggy has led the implementation of the Research Agenda, the EEF’s new targeted approach to grantmaking.

Before joining the EEF, Iggy worked as an English teacher and for several school-facing non-profits in England.

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