Policy Analyst,
OECD Department for Education and Skills

Equity and Inclusion in Education: Finding strength through diversity

What are equity and inclusion in education? With all the transformations that countries are undergoing, how can we ensure that education systems support all students to achieve their potential? How do we empower schools, teachers, and school leaders to respond to the needs of their students?

The OECD’s Education for Inclusive Societies project has been exploring these questions to provide education systems with advice and recommendations on how to support all students, and in particular those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This session will provide an overview of the different ways in which policies can be designed to support equity and inclusion. In particular, the presentation will focus on the policies and practices that can be put in place at the school and classroom level, as to support not only students, but also teachers and school leaders.


14 nov | Ronde 3

15 nov | Ronde 3

Equity and Inclusion in Education: Finding strength through diversity

Policy Analyst,
OECD Department for Education and Skills

What are equity and inclusion in education? With all the transformations that countries are undergoing, how can we ensure that education systems support all students to achieve their potential? How do we empower schools, teachers, and school leaders to respond to the needs of their students?

The OECD’s Education for Inclusive Societies project has been exploring these questions to provide education systems with advice and recommendations on how to support all students, and in particular those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This session will provide an overview of the different ways in which policies can be designed to support equity and inclusion. In particular, the presentation will focus on the policies and practices that can be put in place at the school and classroom level, as to support not only students, but also teachers and school leaders.


14 nov | Ronde 3

15 nov | Ronde 3

Over de spreker

Policy Analyst
OECD Department for Education and Skills

Cecilia Mezzanotte is a policy analyst for the Education for Inclusive Societies Project.
Her main research focus relates to equitable and inclusive education. In this field, she has particularly focused on support for students with special education needs and mental health issues, and gender policies. Her publications focused on the rationale of and indicators to monitor inclusive education, ADHD, students with an immigrant background, along with country analyses around equity and inclusion for various OECD countries.
She holds a Bachelor in International Economics and Management and a Master in Economics and Management of Government and International Organizations, both from Bocconi University.

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