Improving literacy in primary schools: What does, and doesn’t the evidence tell us?

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is an independent England-based charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational attainment. We do this by supporting schools, colleges and early years settings to improve teaching and learning through better use of evidence. This session will provide a high-level overview of the models of evidence generation and mobilisation that have been employed to successfully improve attainment in England. The session will have a particular focus on evidence for improving literacy in children aged between 4 and 11 years. We will discuss what current evidence is available and what we believe this suggests to inform teaching practice and policy, as well as highlighting what the evidence tells us does not work and where there are gaps in the evidence. We close with current recommendations for practice, recommendations for exploring current evidence gaps, and highlighting where these may be applicable to the context in Rotterdam.


14 nov | Ronde 4

Improving literacy in primary schools: What does, and doesn’t the evidence tell us?

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is an independent England-based charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational attainment. We do this by supporting schools, colleges and early years settings to improve teaching and learning through better use of evidence. This session will provide a high-level overview of the models of evidence generation and mobilisation that have been employed to successfully improve attainment in England. The session will have a particular focus on evidence for improving literacy in children aged between 4 and 11 years. We will discuss what current evidence is available and what we believe this suggests to inform teaching practice and policy, as well as highlighting what the evidence tells us does not work and where there are gaps in the evidence. We close with current recommendations for practice, recommendations for exploring current evidence gaps, and highlighting where these may be applicable to the context in Rotterdam.


14 nov | Ronde 4

Over de sprekers

Senior Programme Manager

Aoife is a Senior Programme Manager at the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) an independent charity based in England that supports schools, colleges, and early years settings to improve teaching and learning through better use of evidence. Aoife manages a range of programmes and leads the EEF’s programmes work on the early years, literacy and teacher recruitment and retention. Her work at the EEF has included identifying promising interventions for funding, co-authoring the second edition of the ‘Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2’ guidance report and managing a portfolio of research projects.

Senior Evaluation Manager
Education Endowment Foundation

Rachael is a Senior Evaluation Manager at the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), an independent charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational attainment through better use of evidence. In her role in the Evaluation Team, Rachael manages a portfolio of evaluations, aimed at generating evidence of what works to improve attainment.

Rachael has a background in research and holds a PhD in Psychology. Prior to joining the EEF, she worked as a Research Fellow at Canterbury Christ Church University, evaluating the impact of health-related interventions.

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