Towards more evidence-informed teaching: The basics of teaching and the professional and scientific knowledge behind them

What are the basics of teaching? In an age of growing evidence production, how can we ensure that scientific knowledge from research is impactful in classrooms? At the same time, how can we understand more about the professional knowledge that teachers use in their day-to-day decision-making?

The OECD’s Schools+ Network has been exploring these questions to better understand existing scientific and professional knowledge on the fundamental basics of teaching. This interactive session will first outline how Schools+ has developed a new taxonomy of 20 core practices of teaching. The session will then turn to discuss the school- and system-level mechanisms that can best empower different stakeholders, from practitioners to school leaders to knowledge brokers, to contribute to realising high quality teaching.


14 nov | Ronde 4

15 nov | Ronde 4

Towards more evidence-informed teaching: The basics of teaching and the professional and scientific knowledge behind them

What are the basics of teaching? In an age of growing evidence production, how can we ensure that scientific knowledge from research is impactful in classrooms? At the same time, how can we understand more about the professional knowledge that teachers use in their day-to-day decision-making?

The OECD’s Schools+ Network has been exploring these questions to better understand existing scientific and professional knowledge on the fundamental basics of teaching. This interactive session will first outline how Schools+ has developed a new taxonomy of 20 core practices of teaching. The session will then turn to discuss the school- and system-level mechanisms that can best empower different stakeholders, from practitioners to school leaders to knowledge brokers, to contribute to realising high quality teaching.


14 nov | Ronde 4

15 nov | Ronde 4

Over de spreker


Lawrence is an Analyst at the OECD on the Schools+ and Global Teaching InSights projects. A maths teacher by trade, he joined the OECD to work on the Global Teaching InSights Video Study. He has continued focusing on unpacking what happens in the classroom, now primarily supporting the work of Schools+ which aims to better understand how teachers can effectively implement evidence-informed practices. He holds a Masters in International Education Policy from Harvard University, and is completing his PhD in Education at the University of Oxford.

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