Hogeschooldocent Engels
Hogeschool Utrecht

Kristina Goodnight

Kristina Goodnight is docentopleider Engels op de Hogeschool Utrecht; drama, spreekvaardigheid en (Amerikaans) cultuur staan centraal in haar lespraktijk. Zij doet momenteel ook een promotieonderzoek rondom het professionaliseren van docenten moderne vreemde talen in dramatechnieken.

Expertise: MVT, Engels, hbo





Improvisational drama activities place participants in fictional situations and galvanize them to communicate with one another. Holding discussions with students about issues such as climate change or human rights can help develop critical thinking abilities, yet drama activities can take students a step further in that they ask us to walk in an another person’s shoes and experience what it is like to see the world from that person’s point of view. Not only the intellect is engaged but also the emotions. This can be a key in building empathy for individuals whose religious views, political beliefs, sexual orientation or cultural values, for example, may be quite different from one’s own. In addition to building empathy, drama activities tend to be a lot of fun and create group bonding. Such activities are also generally quite flexible, and can be adapted to all ages, interests and language levels.


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