Head of Research & Evaluation
Teach for Belgium

Els De Geest

Dr. Els De Geest is een onderwijsexpert met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in onderwijsontwikkeling, lesgeven, training, onderzoek, monitoring, evaluatie en leren (MEL), met wiskunde als vakspecialiteit. Ze heeft een doctoraat in wiskundeonderwijs. Ze is Hoofd Onderzoek & Evaluatie voor Teach for Belgium (TfB) waar ze de MEL-activiteiten en onderzoeksprojecten van het ‘onderzoekslabo’ leidt.

Expertise: Onderwijs, Onderzoek





Keeping good teachers in the classroom is more important than ever as teacher shortage seems to increase and become a major problem. Not having a teacher or having high teacher turnover is undermining quality education and is a real barrier to address inequity in education – which Teach for Belgium strives to address. Teach for Belgium pays enormous attention to retaining the teachers through a well-developed support system , resulting in high teacher retention. In this presentation we will share with you how we do this, its effects and shortfalls. You will hear first-hand testimony from Annemie, a TfB teacher about how she experienced this support first-hand. We will also try-out some approaches with you. There will be time for discussion, and we would love to hear your comments, insights, and ideas.


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