Formative Assessment & Feedback in practice

Sergej Visser


Good feedback propels learning. And Formative Assessment is potentially powerful. But how can you provide effective feedback to 250 students, teaching 24 lessons a week? How can structural formative assessment be organized on a day to day basis? Is it even possible? And does it work?

Well, does it ever! And what is more: once you start working with structured feedback and organized formative assessment, you will realize: now this is education. It’s like venturing out on educational adventures with your pupils.

Then again, it’s not all that simple to install a completely new method of teaching like this. Our EFL teachers have been working on our program for fifteen years. We’ve built our own curriculum, with tests, assignments, activities and background materials. And one thing’s for sure: there’s no turning back. This is it.

This workshop could be the flying start for FA and FB at your school. You’ll be presented with a complete and clear model for formative assessment education, which will give you more insight in the educational process. You’ll learn about a set of practical tools that you can apply to your lessons directly and structurally. You will think about the principles that underpin good FB and FA. You will gain insight in what makes effective feedback. You can take home worked examples of a renewed curriculum. And you’ll hear about the hurdles you’ll have to take. Because FA and FB don’t ease education – but they improve it. And make it more fun.


Senior trainer/adviseur
Bureau ICE

Sergej Visser is senior trainer en adviseur bij Bureau ICE. Daarvoor gaf hij twintig jaar Engels en CKV aan mavo-, havo- en vwo-klassen op een middelbare school in Soest. Samen met collega’s bouwde hij daar een compleet nieuw bovenbouwcurriculum voor Engels, waarin het trainen en beheersen van de verschillende vaardigheden centraal stond.

De afgelopen zes jaar helpt Sergej dagelijks docenten, op allerlei scholen in heel Nederland. Dan gaat het bijvoorbeeld over formatief handelen in elke les, maar ook over het maken van goede toetsen en opdrachten. Als trainer en adviseur-van-buitenaf ziet hij regelmatig hoe je een onderwijsvernieuwing kunt laten slagen – en ook hoe je dit het beste kunt laten mislukken.

De vierde druk van zijn boek Formatief Evalueren in Elke Les verscheen in het najaar van 2023.

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